People on the Move in Baltimore: Dr. Amir Manbachi, Recognized at Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Manbachi is an inventor, academic entrepreneur, and an Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, with appointments in the departments of Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. He is the engineering lead on a $13.5M award from Department of Defense, and responsible for the assembly of a world-class team of pioneers, including 70 individuals from clinic, academia, and industry. He is the co-founder and Director of the HEPIUS Innovation Labs, focusing on the next generation of wearables and implantable medical devices for spinal cord injury patients. Research interests include applications of sound in Medicine, e.g. detection of foreign body objects, non-invasive treatment of brain tumors, and monitoring blood flow. His pedagogical activities have included teaching engineering design, innovation, and entrepreneurship as well as close collaboration with clinical experts in Surgery and Radiology at Johns Hopkins.


Fire Awards 2023: HEPIUS Innovation Lab


40 Under 40: Amir Manbachi, Johns Hopkins University